Arow Down
By Ricardo Viramontes | 09 September, 2019

The little things — there’s nothing bigger

Every small detail has immense importance, one that can only be perceived in retrospective.

I have been deeply immersed in the branding people® for little more than 7 years, gathering endless learnings, making mistakes, and some involuntary wins every now and then. I can tell you today that the most complicated and time-consuming things about running a branding studio are completely non-related to the “cool” aspect you might see on social media.

The topics that occupy my head these days are so far away from the ones I wish I could discuss on a mezcal-infused Friday night with my fellow creative professionals —the practice and design discourse. The truly heavy stuff revolving around my brain at the moment are numbers, taxes, structures, processes, contracts, collecting payments, organization diagrams and a long etcetera.

Every small detail has immense importance, one that can only be perceived in retrospective. You realize that the clause in a contract you didn’t want to deal with at the time, can turn into four weeks of extra work for the design team, or that question you had at the briefing but decided not to ask turned out to be key to the project and would have meant a great deal of clarity in the conceptual stages of it. This little pebbles on the road become learnings that you start to collect and cherish, so the next time a situation presents itself you’re better prepared for it.

This frame sustains the foundations of the studio; the things that nobody ever explains to you are the ones that which, without them, it is impossible to continue growing as a company. This “super cool” business of designing brands from the ground up is inconspicuously tinted with the same structure as an accounting firm, a retail enterprise or a tech start-up and the key to make it or break it is in the details.

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