Simple Green

Food & Drinks | Mexico

Simple Green is a hundred-percent organic concept that promotes a healthy lifestyle offering honest meals in suitable proportions. Each serving is made with locally grown ingredients, complementing an active and fit lifestyle. the branding people has created a visual proposal that combines both, calligraphic and typographic elements to represent the brand’s high-end concept. We chose a carefully curated color palette that consists on greens and browns which are meant to project an earthy feel. The design seeks to create a clean, nutritious and delicious experience, emphasizing the essence of fruit labels.

Honest eating, conscious food.

Simple Green

Food & Drinks | Mexico

Simple Green is a hundred-percent organic concept that promotes a healthy lifestyle offering honest meals in suitable proportions. Each serving is made with locally grown ingredients, complementing an active and fit lifestyle. the branding people has created a visual proposal that combines both, calligraphic and typographic elements to represent the brand’s high-end concept. We chose a carefully curated color palette that consists on greens and browns which are meant to project an earthy feel. The design seeks to create a clean, nutritious and delicious experience, emphasizing the essence of fruit labels.

Honest eating, conscious food.