Sailboat Tea

Food & Drinks | United States

Sailboat Tea is a new brand that creates a whole new category within its market. It seeks to offer consumers a product they already love, but with a twist: Cold Brew Tea. the branding people developed a concept for the brand’s communication that revolves around tropical vibes and taking a break from the hectic city lifestyle. Sipping on Sailboat Tea gets consumers a rest and transports them to that blue and warm paradise we all dream of. To achieve this, the studio created a graphic universe composed of illustrations and iconographic assets supported by a tropical color palette and a chic logo that resembles ocean waves. Altogether each flavor has its own little universe that will instantly take consumers to that tropical destination. Sailboat’s product line is now recognizable as a new lifestyle.

A new des-tea-nation.

Sailboat Tea

Food & Drinks | United States

Sailboat Tea is a new brand that creates a whole new category within its market. It seeks to offer consumers a product they already love, but with a twist: Cold Brew Tea. the branding people developed a concept for the brand’s communication that revolves around tropical vibes and taking a break from the hectic city lifestyle. Sipping on Sailboat Tea gets consumers a rest and transports them to that blue and warm paradise we all dream of. To achieve this, the studio created a graphic universe composed of illustrations and iconographic assets supported by a tropical color palette and a chic logo that resembles ocean waves. Altogether each flavor has its own little universe that will instantly take consumers to that tropical destination. Sailboat’s product line is now recognizable as a new lifestyle.

A new des-tea-nation.