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By Ricardo Viramontes | 17 May, 2022

Never stop learning

In my perspective, design, entrepreneurship and life itself have a thing in common: they are not about accomplishing success but about how a bunch of unexpected failures lead to consistent learning.

As a small studio we have been through many innovative processes in our seven year life span: one day boosting our creative pitch, and the next one improving our sales approach and renewing our delivery process. The funny thing is that no matter how hard we try, we are sure that we will need to go the extra mile after our first proposition / failure, I know this could sound quite frustrating, but it’s really not, since we have learned a lot from our own mistakes.

The main idea is to always push an innovative proposal into action, and after a “trial-error” process, we are now being able to identify what worked and what didn’t. When we talk about design our process is quite obvious: creating a concept after analyzing the brand’s needs, draft an idea, expose it to your colleagues (we practice this “creative forums” on a regular basis), adjust it from their feedback and then try the creative phase again (and again). At some point you’re going to be certain that your design is ready to be presented to the client after this detailed process of re-shaping. Make it quick, don’t be afraid of failing and you will come to a result.

If you want to get deeper into this please take a look at the lean startup by Eric Ries, there’s plenty of information backing up this concept and most important: You can learn it and apply it in no-time.