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By Tania Varela | 15 September, 2020

Branding or rebranding? – Lets talk about both.

When is the right time to brand your startup? When is the right time to rebrand your company? Don’t worry, we have the answers.

If you own or work in a startup or a bigger company chances are that branding has risen amongst conversation topics between coworkers, partners, and even clients. When is the right time to brand your startup? When is the right time to rebrand your company? Don’t worry, we have the answers. Here are the basic signs that tell you that your brand needs a refresh.

First of all, let’s point out the differences between branding and rebranding. Branding is a fresh start for your brand, it usually applies to new brands or startups that are offering modern products or services, they want to be seen, stand out and educate their users about this new thing they are selling. Rebranding applies to brands that already have a history, whether they are small companies or big enterprises. These are already positioned brands in the market, in other words, their targets can identify them in a glimpse.

For startups and new companies, branding is usually needed when the business is about to take off and you realize pain points or problems in your identity that aren’t allowing you to reach your full potential. As the business grows, you can start noticing the brand needs consistency among different channels. You can also realize that your brand strategy, identity, and marketing need to be aligned or that you aren’t communicating the purpose behind your brand effectively. And last but not least, your brand isn’t standing out from your competition. Any of these signs can be telling you that it’s time to invest in proper branding for your company. On the other hand, there are brands that even before going out public, invest in branding with an agency, however, the budget for launching a new product or service may not always allow it.

Technically speaking, a brand must be changed every 10 years but this is not necessarily true. Nevertheless, rebrandings tend to be a bit more rigid. Taking into consideration that the brand is already positioned, changing its identity can be scary. However, if your product or service has shifted, you’re looking to expand to a new market, you’ve outgrown your brand, or it’s simply not producing the desired results, it may be time to rebrand. Usually, the history and main essence of the brand remain untouched, but achieving this is not always easy. The goal is for the brand to still be identifiable by its audience while capturing more attention and expanding its reach. This can help tackle new targets and communicate more effectively its purpose. Although, sometimes changing the whole concept and identity completely can be beneficial for the brand. Once you’ve selected an agency to work with, you can work together to decide the extent to which the brand will be changed to achieve the best results possible.

So if you want your product or service to stay on top of the game, a proper, modern, and adequate identity is a must. Nothing will communicate better what your brand needs to express than proper branding. Nowadays an investment in this matter is what will keep your brand buoyant. Everything tends to evolve and change, what was effective a couple of years ago, may not be what’s currently working. Or what served as a starting point for a project may not be enough to keep it running and allow it to grow and expand. If you identified any of the mentioned points above, our advice would be to get in touch with an agency as soon as possible, and even better, call us we’ll be happy to help you.