Bite Squad

Food Delivery | United States

In the digital consumer era, Bite Squad stands out as one of the leading food-delivery services across the United States. the branding people was in charge of the company’s rebranding by creating a wide range of illustrations that supports the brand’s unique voice as well as simplifying their entire identity and updating Bite Squad’s logo and master graphics. Today the whole visual system sends a powerful message to its competitive market.

Food for your mood.

Bite Squad

Food Delivery | United States

In the digital consumer era, Bite Squad stands out as one of the leading food-delivery services across the United States. the branding people was in charge of the company’s rebranding by creating a wide range of illustrations that supports the brand’s unique voice as well as simplifying their entire identity and updating Bite Squad’s logo and master graphics. Today the whole visual system sends a powerful message to its competitive market.

Food for your mood.