Arow Down
By Ricardo Viramontes | 20 December, 2020

Another year goes by

Closing thoughts about one of the most important years in tbpmx's history.

We are now at the final stretch of 2019; the Christmas parties are lining up one after the other and the projects we can’t seem to close for the life of us will become a problem for next year.

It’s easy to say it, but this holiday season is the 7th in tbpmx’s history, and I can’t count all the changes and adjustments we’ve made throughout the years. Talking about 2019 specifically, I look back to it as one —yet another— of the most important years in the life of our studio, where we adjusted our creative processes, our team and we finally developed a new area completely dedicated to the production of the branding projects that go directly to our portfolio.

It’s incredible that even after so many years I continue learning and adjusting processes that before 2019 I deemed unnecessary, while I gave priority to others. Nobody ever tells you how to confront all the administrative and financial aspects of having a design studio. Now that I think about it, a university course like this would come way more handy than a class on Marketing Theory or Advanced Calculus.

It was a year filled with projects that stand out for being completely different from anything we’ve done in previous years. Just to recap a few: a huge legal firm in Mexico City, a design school in Senegal, a coffee brand from Chiapas, a giant delivery platform in LATAM, a conscious restaurant in Abu Dhabi, a letter-writing robot in California, a bridal store in Mexico City, a women underwear brand in NYC and an enormous etcetera that keeps on giving us joy throughout the days.

I don’t want to let this year go without saying thank you to everyone who believes in the branding people daily, the ones who are here, the ones who left, and the ones who even if they’re gone, they are still with us in spirit. People from different backgrounds that complement each other that bring so much to our table and help form our way of working, thinking and moving.

May this 2020 be nothing more than a year of challenges, laughter, friendship, and mistakes. I beg that there are plenty of mistakes because I’ve learned that those setbacks are learning opportunities and that is the way to keep growing and evolving, for change is the only thing that’s permanent in life.