Anonymous Eaters

Food & Drinks | Mexico

A culinary and itinerant proposal that gathers exceptional chefs, peculiar spaces and curious diners from different spots in Mexico City, avid to share not only a meal but a charming experience. The studio’s vision was to take a high level perspective, melting intriguing illustrations with a deep and dark conceptual background, highlighting the essence of a real cult with hidden messages among the communication assets, resulting in a obscure and mysterious scenario.

A cult gathered around the table.

Anonymous Eaters

Food & Drinks | Mexico

A culinary and itinerant proposal that gathers exceptional chefs, peculiar spaces and curious diners from different spots in Mexico City, avid to share not only a meal but a charming experience. The studio’s vision was to take a high level perspective, melting intriguing illustrations with a deep and dark conceptual background, highlighting the essence of a real cult with hidden messages among the communication assets, resulting in a obscure and mysterious scenario.

A cult gathered around the table.