Arow Down
By Ricardo Viramontes | 22 December, 2020

A Reflection of the Weirdest Year

Let's allow design to guide our paths!

We can feel it, slipping through our fingers, one of the most complicated years for certain generations has faded away. Now, it seems quite a while since last January, when we were all hoping for 2020 to be a great year, just like its figures, balanced and full.

At the end, this year turned out to be further away from reality beyond expectations. These 366 days (because in addition, it was a leap-year) have left us countless lessons, many new fears, human relationships that have been transformed as a consequence of this global calamity, frustrations caused by innumerable canceled plans, postponed trips and heaps and heaps of uncertainty. At what moment did this invisible enemy creeped into our lives and managed to knock out our humanity?

For us, as for many other industries, this was a year built on trust. Trusting the team individually and knowing that despite only seeing each other through screens, our brains were still aligned and we still held ourselves as a cohesive team. Looking back, it’s funny to see how our (according to us) unaltered creative processes molded itself little by little to the new norm. The responsibility of each member meant more than ever in the performance of the group as a whole. The clients, one by on, and day by day were getting more comfortable with the new digital processes, including the “old-fashioned” clients, which moved smoothly with the tides. There were team members, recently hired, that we met in person after months. Despite faces on screens and intangible feedback sessions we still managed to be as efficient as ever.

If I could name one of the most remarkable moments of the year in tbpmx, it would be the one in which we finally saw each other’s faces again. That moment when you recognize the person with whom you’ve been chatting and listening to through a screen. At the end of the day this team lives out of a cohesive humanity that blooms when nurtured from different points of view, and how can we not, if conquering obstacles together is embedded in our DNA.

2021, we crave you just as we craved 2020, we can’t wait for the lessons to be learned and the beautiful moments to be lived. Let’s allow design to guide our paths!